LONDON TELEPHONE SYSTEM. (Hansard, 14 May 1919)
HC Deb 14 May 1919 vol 115 c1594 1594
§ 76.asked the Postmaster-General whether any record is kept of the percentage of occasions upon which the subscribers to the London telephone system are cut off during the course of conversation; and whether there is any possibility of remedying this frequent and most serious defect?
§ The POSTMASTER-GENERAL (Mr. Illingworth)The records of observation of a large number of calls in London show that the cases of irregular interruption, averaged slightly over six per 1,000 calls during the last six months. Efforts are being made continuously to reduce this class of faults to a minimum. The above figure includes "cut-offs" due to line and apparatus faults as well as those caused by operators.
§ Mr. R. GWYNNEWill the right hon. Gentleman try to take some steps to see that when one is cut off the telephone one can get on again?