
ARMY OF OCCUPATION. (Hansard, 10 August 1920)

HC Deb 10 August 1920 vol 133 cc204-5 204

§ 10.

asked the Secretary of State for War whether he can state the total number of the British Army of Occupation in Germany at the present time and the units of which that Army is composed; what are the principal places where the Army is located; and can he give the approximate cost of this Army per month?


The total number of the British Army of Occupation in Germany, exclusive of plébiscite troops, is approximately 13,360. This figure comprises, in addition to the Headquarter 205 Staff, Cavalry, Royal Artillery, Royal Engineers, Infantry, Machine Gun Corps, Tanks, and the usual ancillary services. These troops are located principally in the vicinity of Cologne. The approximate cost per month is £300,000.

§ Lieut. - Commander KENWORTHY

Does the right hon. Gentleman expect to reduce this Army of Occupation in view of the announced policy of alliance with Germany?

§ 20. Major W. MURRAY

asked the Secretary of State for War whether accommodation for the families of soldiers upon the married list has now been provided in Germany in connection with the Army on the Rhine; and whether it is intended to use the existing married quarters, which were formerly erected for the accommodation of German soldiers, for this purpose?


Yes, Sir; it is hoped that those families for whom accommodation is ready will leave by the end of this month. The remainder, up to the number authorised and for whom accommodation is available, will be sent as soon as arrangements for their reception are completed. As regards the latter part of the question, the families will be accommodated, as far as possible, in existing married quarters formerly erected for German soldiers; others will be accommodated in lodgings under arrangements made by the General Officer Commanding.


Is it not a fact that the accommodation both for officers' and soldiers' wives is totally inadequate?


I am not able to answer that question without notice, but I will inquire.