FOOT-AND-MOUTH DISEASE. (Hansard, 26 May 1924)
HC Deb 26 May 1924 vol 174 cc36-7 36
§ 70.asked the Minister of Agriculture if he is aware that there has been a further outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease at Coddington, Cheshire, at the Middle Beachin Farm; and it this outbreak can be accounted for in any way?
§ Mr. BUXTONYes Sir. I am aware that foot-and-mouth disease has again occurred on the farm in question. At the moment I am not in a position to say to what cause this is to be attributed. A thorough investigation is being made into all the circumstances of the case, but inquiries have not yet been quite completed.
§ 77. Earl WINTERTONasked the Minister of Agriculture if his attention has been called to the great difference in the Regulations to prevent movements of stock as a result of the outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease put in operation by local authorities, even in cases where there is no disease within or near the county boundary of the particular authority; and if he is prepared to offer more definite advice on the subject so that there may be greater uniformity of Regulations in areas where conditions are similar?
§ Mr. BUXTONI am aware that the Regulations made by local authorities in pursuance of their powers under the Foot-and-Mouth Disease Order of 1895, prohibiting or regulating the movement of animals into their districts, vary in different counties. Such variations in the Regulations are, it, is understood, due in large measure to the variations in the trade in livestock between different counties. The question of securing greater uniformity of Regulations, in areas where conditions are similar, is one for the local authorities themselves to consider, as they are in the best position to judge of the requirements in this connection from their local knowledge of the trade conditions.
§ Earl WINTERTONIn view of the fact that there has been a radical alteration in the situation since many of these Regulation were put into operation, will the right hon. Gentleman consider the advisability of having a conference with local authorities?
§ Mr. BUXTONI will consider that.