
AIR STATIONS. (Hansard, 30 October 1919)

HC Deb 30 October 1919 vol 120 cc913-4W 913W


asked the Under-Secretary of State for Air what is the present staff employed at the aerodromes at Tadcaster and Sherburn-in-Elmet, respectively; what has been the average monthly cost of these aerodromes during the past three months; what useful purpose they have fulfilled; and what is the policy of the Government as to their continued existence?

§ Major-General SEELY

At the 30th September, 1919 (the latest date for which returns are available), the number of staff employed at these stations was as follows:

Tadcaster 242
Sherburn-in-Elmet 89
The average monthly cost during the last three months (July to September) has 914W been £5,700 and £1,700 respectively. This has been greatly reduced during the present month. These stations are being utilised as headquarters for the storaged standard aeroplanes, and can be used for civil aviation purposes. They are to be closed down when the valuable stock now stored there has been evacuated.

asked the Under-Secretary of State for Air for what purpose the air station at Polegate is still being retained; when the airships were removed; how many men and women were employed there in June last; and how many are employed there at the present time?

§ Major-General SEELY

As the responsibility for lighter-than-air craft has now been transferred to the Air Ministry, my right hon. Friend the First Lord of the Admiralty has asked me to reply to this question. The airship station at Pole-gate is being closed down. At the moment it is used for the storage of small airships and stores which are in course of transfer to the Disposal Board. As soon as these have been disposed of the station will be evacuated. The strength at the dates mentioned by my hon. Friend was as follows:

30th June, 1919. 25th Oct., 1919.
Royal Air Force—
Officers 5 2
Other ranks 24 22
W.R.A.F. 15
44 24
Four of the personnel (at the 28th October) are employed on meteorological duties at Beachy Head.