[PDF] Volovik effect in the ±s-wave state for the iron-based superconductors. | Semantic Scholar

Superconducting properties of the s±-wave state: Fe-based superconductors

Detailed explanations of the theoretical principles for the various non-trivial SC properties of the [Formula: see text]-wave pairing state are provided, and the theoretical predictions with experiments on FeSCs are critically compared.

Low-Temperature Thermal Conductivity of the Two-Phase Superconductor CeRh2As2

CeRh2As2 is a rare unconventional superconductor (T c = 0.26 K) characterized by two adjacent superconducting phases for a magnetic field H‖c-axis of the tetragonal crystal structure.

Orbital and Pauli limiting effects in heavily doped Ba0.05K0.95Fe2As2

We investigated the thermodynamic properties of the Fe-based lightly disordered superconductor Ba0.05K0.95Fe2As2 in external magnetic field H applied along the FeAs layers (H ||ab planes). The

Superconducting Gap and Symmetry in FeSe 1- x Te x Studied by Specific Heat in Magnetic Fields

In order to investigate details of the superconducting (SC) gap in the iron-chalcogenide superconductors, the specific heat, C, of FeSe1−xTex with x = 0.6–1 has been measured in magnetic fields.

Multiband Superconductivity in KFe2As2 : Evidence for one Isotropic and several Liliputian Energy Gaps

We report a detailed low-temperature thermodynamic investigation (heat capacity and magnetization) of the superconducting state of KFe 2 As 2 for H || c axis. Our measurements reveal that the

Superconductivity and disorder effect in TlNi2Se2−xSx compounds

The TlNi2Se(2-x)S(x) system provides a platform to study the effect of disorder on the multi-band SC, and it is found that the T(C) value changes with the disorder degree induced by the partial substitution of S for Se, characterized by the residual resistivity ratio (RRR).

Magnetic field dependence of spin-lattice relaxation in the s(+/-) state of Ba0.67K0.33Fe2As2

The spatially averaged density of states of an unconventional d-wave superconductor is magnetic field dependent, proportional to H-1/2, owing to the Doppler shift of quasiparticle excitations in a

Specific heat versus field for LiFe1−xCuxAs

It is shown that in terms of specific heat in a magnetic field, LiFeAs can serve as the prototypical multiband, nodeless iron superconductor.

Signature of point nodal superconductivity in the Dirac semimetal PdTe

Recent Angle-Resolved Photo-emission Spectroscopy (ARPES) experiments [Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 046402 (2023)] on PdTe, a 3D-Dirac semimetal and a superconductor with the transition temperature Tc ~ 4.3