Methodology for Evaluating Potential for Limited-Stop Bus Service along Existing Local Bus Corridors | Semantic Scholar

  title={Methodology for Evaluating Potential for Limited-Stop Bus Service along Existing Local Bus Corridors},
  author={Nicholas Hart},
  journal={Transportation Research Record},
  pages={100 - 91},

Limited-stop bus service is a service configuration implemented by many large transit agencies along high-demand bus corridors. Limited-stop service is advantageous because it produces faster running times along the route or corridor than those of local service and it increases efficiency in terms of the number of trips a vehicle can make along the route or corridor in a given time span. However, for many transit agencies it is not necessarily apparent whether the implementation of a limited… 

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Evaluating express bus service

Express or limited-stop bus services are a competitive effort by transit agencies to provide higher quality service to customers who make longer trips and place higher premiums on travel time,