[PDF] Potential lives saved by replacing coal with solar photovoltaic electricity production in the U.S. | Semantic Scholar
Replacing coal-fired power plants by photovoltaics in the Portuguese electricity system
- Raquel FigueiredoP. NunesMónica MeirelesM. MadalenoM. Brito
- 2019
Environmental Science, Engineering
The downstream air pollution impacts of the transition from coal to natural gas in the United States
- J. Burney
- 2020
Environmental Science
The recent shift in the United States from coal to natural gas as a primary feedstock for the production of electric power has reduced the intensity of sectoral carbon dioxide emissions, but—due to…
Economic Impact of Substituting Solar Photovoltaic Electric Production for Tobacco Farming
- R. KrishnanJoshua M. Pearce
- 2018
Environmental Science, Economics
Solar photovoltaic (PV) technology represents a promising method to prevent dangerous global climate change, however full solar penetration demands substantial surface areas, possibly encroaching on…
Carbon footprint of the photovoltaic power supply chain in China
- Xiaopeng GuoKaiyue LinHan HuangYang Li
- 2019
Environmental Science, Engineering
Potential of unsubsidized distributed solar PV to replace coal-fired power plants, and profits classification in Chinese cities
- Ying YangP. CampanaJinyue Yan
- 2020
Environmental Science, Economics
A review of the value of solar methodology with a case study of the U.S. VOS
- K. S. HayiboJoshua M. PearceJoshua M. Pearce
- 2021
Environmental Science, Engineering
Policies to Overcome Barriers for Renewable Energy Distributed Generation: A Case Study of Utility Structure and Regulatory Regimes in Michigan
- Emily PrehodaJoshua M. PearceChelsea Schelly
- 2019
Environmental Science, Political Science
Because of its environmental damage and now often being the most expensive source for electricity production, coal use is declining throughout the United States. Michigan has no active coal mining…
Decarbonizing energy: Evaluating fossil fuel displacement by renewables in OECD countries
- Selin Karlilar PataMehmet Balcilar
- 2024
Environmental Science, Economics
Energy transition to greener systems has been a focal point in climate policy agendas across countries as the negative environmental impacts of fossil fuel technologies have become more evident…
South Korean Public Acceptance of the Fuel Transition from Coal to Natural Gas in Power Generation
- H. JeongJu‐Hee KimS. Yoo
- 2021
Environmental Science, Economics
South Korea has set up a plan to convert 24 coal-fired power plants into natural gas-fired ones by 2034 in order to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. This fuel transition can succeed only if it…
Design Aspects, Energy Consumption Evaluation, and Offset for Drinking Water Treatment Operation
- S. BukharyJ. BatistaSajjad Ahmad
- 2020
Environmental Science, Engineering
Drinking water treatment, wastewater treatment, and water distribution are energy-intensive processes. The goal of this study was to design the unit processes of an existing drinking water treatment…