[PDF] Core-collapse supernova explosion theory | Semantic Scholar

  title={Core-collapse supernova explosion theory},
  author={Adam S. Burrows and David Vartanyan},
  pages={29 - 39},

The delayed neutrino-heating mechanism is emerging as the key driver of supernova explosions, but there remain many issues to address, such as the chaos of the involved dynamics.

224 Citations

Interacting supernovae

Modern photometric surveys of the sky suggest that many, perhaps most supernovae (SNe) associated with the explosion of massive stars are influenced at an appreciable level by their interaction with

142 References

Supernova mechanisms. [SN 1987a]

Supernovae of Type II occur at the end of the evolution of massive stars. The phenomenon begins when the iron core of the star exceeds a Chandrasekhar mass. The collapse of that core under gravity is