[PDF] Jost B\"urgi's Method for Calculating Sines | Semantic Scholar

  title={Jost B\"urgi's Method for Calculating Sines},
  author={Menso Folkerts and Dieter Launert and Andreas Berthold Thom},
  journal={arXiv: History and Overview},

14 Citations

Some remarks on Bürgi’s interpolations

Jost Burgi (1552-1632) was one of the first ones to have used the calculus of differences in order to construct a table of sines. His table of sines at 2'' intervals is lost, but in these notes, we

15 References

A Survey of the Toledan Tables

The aim of this paper is to give a description of the collection of mediaeval astronomical tables known as the 'Tabule Toletane' which shall suffice for their identification and also reveal their