Elemental and isotopic abundances of the volatile elements in the outer planets | Semantic Scholar
The atmosphere of Titan
- S. Gross
- 1974
Environmental Science, Physics
Titan, a satellite of Saturn, is unique in that it is the only satellite in the solar system with an extensive atmosphere, possibly more massive than that of the earth. Methane and hydrogen have been…
The atmospheres of the outer planets.
- G. Hunt
- 1976
Physics, Environmental Science
Abstract Beyond the asteroid belt lie the giant planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune and their extensive satellite systems, and Pluto, which is more like a satellite than any of its giant…
Oxygen in the heliosphere
- J. Luhmann
- 1994
Physics, Environmental Science
Oxygen within the heliosphere, whether neutral or ionized, comes from both the external source in the local interstellar medium (LISM) and internal sources. If transient cometary sources are…