[PDF] Varieties of Justification—How (Not) to Solve the Problem of Induction | Semantic Scholar
The Justification of Deduction
- S. Haack
- 1976
(i) It is often taken for granted by writers who propose-and, for that matter, by writers who oppose-'justifications' of induction, that deduction either does not need, or can readily be provided…
Is the Humean defeated by induction?
- B. Smart
- 2013
Many necessitarians about cause and law (Armstrong, What is a law of nature. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1983; Mumford, Laws in nature. Routledge Studies in Twentieth-Century Philosophy.…
Our initial survey of the problems of induction and explanation is now complete. We have considered some of the forms these problems take, some of the reasons they are so difficult to solve, and some…
The Rationality of Induction
- D. Stove
- 1986
Writing on the justification of certain inductive inferences, the author proposes that sometimes induction is justified and that arguments to prove otherwise are not cogent. In the first part he…
Conditionalization and observation
- P. Teller
- 2004
I take bayesianism to be the doctrine which maintains that (i) a set of reasonable beliefs can be represented by a probability function defined over sentences or propositions, and that (ii)…
Papers in metaphysics and epistemology
- David Lewis
- 1999
Introduction 1. New Work for a theory of universals 2. Putnam's paradox 3. Against structural universals 4. A comment on Armstrong and Forrest 5. Extrinsic properties 6. Defining 'intrinsic' (with…
Inference to the best explanation
- P. Lipton
- 1991
Lipton argues that an illuminating version of "Inference to the Best Explanation" must rely on the latter notion, and provides a new account of what makes one explanation lovelier than another.
Belief and Will
- H. R. Marshall
- 1899
Philosophy, Law
absolutely right or wrong? because no moral legislation has its basis in pure ethics. But the pertinent questions are: Will prohibitory legislation, if enacted, do harm or good ? Will it educate the…