Another Baltic Postcolonialism: Young Latvians, Baltic Germans, and the emergence of Latvian National Movement | Semantic Scholar

Nationalism: Five Roads to Modernity

Introduction 1. God's Firstborn: England Reflection of the National Consciousness in Discourse and Sentiment The New Aristocracy, the New Monarchy, and the Protestant Reformation The English Bible,

Iurii Samarin's Baltic Escapade

Iurii Samarin, a leading Russian Slavophile, was early in his life assigned to Riga to help reform the Russian administration there. He was shocked and outraged by what he regarded as Russia's

The Location of Culture

Acknowledgements, Introduction: Locations of culture, 1. The commitment to theory, 2. Interrogating identity: Frantz Fanon and the postcolonial prerogative, 3. The other question: Stereotype,


Introduction Section One: Nationalism from an Historical Perspective 1. Ideological Foundations of Nations and Nationalism 2. Theories of Nation and Nationalism Section Two: Contemporary Debates

Historical Dictionary of Latvia

Andrejs Plakans. Historical Dictionary of Latvia. European Historical Dictionaries, No. 19. Lanham, MD: The Scarecrow Press, 1997. xxvi, 192 pp. Map. Bibliography. $34.50, cloth. An historical