Global system of rivers: Its role in organizing continental land mass and defining land‐to‐ocean linkages | Semantic Scholar
@article{Vrsmarty2000GlobalSO, title={Global system of rivers: Its role in organizing continental land mass and defining land‐to‐ocean linkages}, author={Charles J. V{\"o}r{\"o}smarty and Bal{\'a}zs M. Fekete and Michel Meybeck and Richard B. Lammers}, journal={Global Biogeochemical Cycles}, year={2000}, volume={14}, pages={599 - 621}, url={} }
The spatial organization of the Earth's land mass is analyzed using a simulated topological network (STN‐30p) representing potential flow pathways across the entire nonglacierized surface of the globe at 30‐min (longitude × latitude) spatial resolution. We discuss a semiautomated procedure to develop this topology combining digital elevation models and manual network editing. STN‐30p was verified against several independent sources including map products and drainage basin statistics, although…