Shear strain localization from the upper mantle to the middle crust of the Kohistan Arc (Pakistan) | Semantic Scholar
@article{Burg2005ShearSL, title={Shear strain localization from the upper mantle to the middle crust of the Kohistan Arc (Pakistan)}, author={J.-P. Burg and Laurent Arbaret and Nawaz Chaudhry and Hamid Dawood and Shahid Hussain and G. Zeilinger}, journal={Geological Society, London, Special Publications}, year={2005}, volume={245}, pages={25 - 38}, url={} }
Abstract Shear structures from mantle to middle crust levels of the Kohistan palaeo-island arc, in Pakistan, are described. Pre-Himalayan ductile shear zones show a wide variety in size and shape, and developed from gabbro subsolidus to amphibolite facies conditions. Their lithological context and geological history give insights into mechanisms that initiate shear strain localization, factors that control stabilization of deformation in shear zones and flow properties at the mantle-crust…