[PDF] Classification of Springs | Semantic Scholar

  title={Classification of Springs},
  author={Kirk Bryan},
  journal={The Journal of Geology},
  pages={522 - 561},

CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ACKNOWLEDGMENTS DEFINITION OF THE TERM "SPRING" CHARACTERISTICS OF SPRINGS SPRING WATER CLASSIFICATION Springs Due to Deep-seated Water Springs Due to Shallow Water Springs in Porous Rock (Depression Springs) Springs in Porous Rock Overlying Impervious Rock (Contact Springs) Springs at the Outcrop of a Horizontal Surface Springs at the Outcrop of an Inclined Surface Springs at the Outcrop of an Irregular Surface Springs in Porous Rock between Impervious Rock (Artesian… 

87 Citations

Springs ecosystem classification.

A conceptual springs ecosystem model is presented that clarifies the central role of geomorphology in springs ecosystem development, function, and typology, and presents an illustrated dichotomous key to terrestrial (non-marine) springs ecosystem types and subtypes.