The SABC's TV/radio satellite distribution system | Semantic Scholar
@article{Conradie1988TheST, title={The SABC's TV/radio satellite distribution system}, author={D. Conradie}, journal={COMSIG 88@m\_Southern African Conference on Communications and Signal Processing. Proceedings}, year={1988}, pages={51-55}, url={} }
During 1986, the South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) implemented a system for distributing its TVI program and various radio programs via a leased transponder on an Intelsat satellite to distant terrestrial transmitting stations for rebroadcasting purposes. The system and its performance are described. A brief description of the B-MAC (B version of the multiplexed analogue components system) coding format is included. Problems experienced during the first two years of operation and…
One Reference
B-MAC — A Transmission Standard for PAY DBS
- K. Lucas
- 1985
Computer Science
Format de transmission et services fournis devant remplir un certain nombre de criteres tels que la compatibilite avec les recepteurs existants, avec les futures recepteurs a haute definition