[PDF] Nine Ways to Reduce Cognitive Load in Multimedia Learning | Semantic Scholar
Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning
- R. Mayer
- 2021
Education, Psychology
The Cambridge Handbook of Multimedia Learning
This paper argues that multimedia instructional messages that are designed in light of how the human mind works are more likely to lead to meaningful learning than those that are not.
Cognitive Architectures for Multimedia Learning
- Stephen K. Reed
- 2006
Education, Psychology
An overview of cognitive architectures that can form a theoretical foundation for designing multimedia instruction is provided and tentative conclusions are that multimodal instruction is superior to targeting modality-specific individual differences.
Direct Measurement of Cognitive Load in Multimedia Learning
- Roland BrunkenJ. PlassD. Leutner
- 2003
Education, Computer Science
This work describes the conceptual basis and practical implementation of a dual-task approach to the direct measurement of cognitive load in multimedia learning and provides a direct and objective measure that overcomes many of the shortcomings of other indirect and subjective methods that will enable researchers to validate empirically theoretical predictions of CLT.