Behavioural crime linking in serial homicide | Semantic Scholar

  title={Behavioural crime linking in serial homicide},
  author={Pekka Santtila and Tom Pakkanen and Angelo Zappalà and Dario Bosco and M. Valkama and Andreas Mokros},
  journal={Psychology, Crime \& Law},
  pages={245 - 265},

Abstract The present study aimed to identify dimensions of variation in serial homicide and to use these dimensions to behaviourally link offences committed by the same offender with each other. The sample consisted of 116 Italian homicides committed by 23 individual offenders. Each offender had committed at least two homicides. As some offenders had worked together and some murders involved more than one victim, there were 155 unique pairings of offenders and victims. Dichotomous variables… 

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52 References

A Descriptive Study

The total number of serial murderers who were convicted between 1945 and 1995 in the Federal Republic of Germany (N = 61) are described in terms of their characteristics, with reference to