A Family of Political Concepts | Semantic Scholar

Ancient Tyranny and Modern Dictatorship

This article traces the conceptual history of key terms used to describe and criticize bad political regimes, focusing on the displacement of “tyranny” by “dictatorship” and “authoritarianism.”


For eighteenth- and nineteenth-century authors such as Burke, Constant, and Mill, a powerful representative assembly that freely deliberated and controlled the executive was the defining institution

The Tyranny of Dictatorship

The article examines the inaugural encounter of the Greek theory of tyranny and the Roman institution of dictatorship. Although the twentieth century is credited for fusing the tyrant and the

On Tyranny and the Global Legal Order

Since classical antiquity debates about tyranny, tyrannicide and preventing tyranny's re-emergence have permeated governance discourse. Yet within the literature on the global legal order, tyranny is

On Liberty, Liberalism and Essential Contestability

    J. Gray

    Philosophy, Political Science

  • 1978

The argument of this paper, which is conducted at two distinct levels of abstraction, has four parts. First, I consider how the disputed character of the concept of freedom bears on the definition of

The Civil War in France

Written by Karl Marx as an address to the General Council of the International, with the aim of distributing to workers of all countries a clear understanding of the character and worldwide

Mémoires d'Outre-Tombe

Recit autobiographique ou se melent reel et imaginaire, investigation psychologique, portraits et descriptions de paysages. - L'oeuvre est divisee en quatre parties : la premiere, "La jeunesse", va