Rethinking the Case of the Schooner Amistad: Contraband and Complicity after 1808/1820 | Semantic Scholar

  title={Rethinking the Case of the Schooner Amistad: Contraband and Complicity after 1808/1820},
  author={Michael Zeuske},
  journal={Slavery \& Abolition},
  pages={156 - 164},

Based on new archival findings and new interpretations, this article presents new perspectives of the ‘Amistad case’, bringing it back into Caribbean and Atlantic history. The article demonstrates that the captain of the Amistad, Ramón Ferrer, and his crew were transatlantic slave traders and smugglers and provides proof that the Amistad was built in Cuba. Moreover, as a result of the enormous profits of the illegal slave trade, Ferrer bought more slave ships and invested much money in the…