The Copyright Dilemma: A Librarian's View | Semantic Scholar

  title={The Copyright Dilemma: A Librarian's View},
  author={Verner W. Clapp},
  journal={The Library Quarterly},
  pages={352 - 387},

A LIBRARIAN s view' of the "copyright dilemma" involves, in the first place, his views of copyright. What this has been until recently can be very simply stated: copyright has seemed to him to be a necessary and desirable monopoly, justified by the public interest, for assuring to authors a reward for their labors and for protecting publishers from unfair competition. The literature of American librarianship bears a century-long witness to this point of view on the part of librarians, and… 

2 Citations

Educators and the Politics of Neo-Publishing

    N. Henry

    Education, Political Science

  • 1971

This study reviews the development of photocopying and its role in education and traces the corresponding political responses of educational and university library associations as they have occurred