Marginality, ethnicity and penality in the neo-liberal city: an analytic cartography | Semantic Scholar

  title={Marginality, ethnicity and penality in the neo-liberal city: an analytic cartography},
  author={Lo{\"i}c Wacquant},
  journal={Ethnic and Racial Studies},
  pages={1687 - 1711},

This article draws an analytic map of the research programme pursued across my three books Urban Outcasts (2008), Punishing the Poor (2009) and Deadly Symbiosis: Race and the Rise of the Penal State (in press). In this trilogy, I disentangle the triangular nexus of class fragmentation, ethnic division and state-crafting in the polarizing city at century's turn to explain the political production, socio-spatial distribution and punitive management of marginality through the wedding of…