“Everything must go!”: Consumerism and Reader Positioning in M. T. Anderson’s Feed | Semantic Scholar

  title={“Everything must go!”: Consumerism and Reader Positioning in M. T. Anderson’s Feed},
  author={Clare Bradford},
  journal={Jeunesse: Young People, Texts, Cultures},
  pages={128 - 137},

Jeunesse: Young People, Texts, Cultures 2.2 (2010) In preparation for the ARCYP round table “Participatory Ontologies and Youth Cultures,” Stuart Poyntz issued an outline of its conceptual framework: “Beginning in infancy, young people now grow up learning the language of consumer media culture through a constant diet of screen images, audio messages, and text-based communication that compete with schools and families as primary storytellers and teachers in youths’ lives.” As Poyntz notes…