[PDF] Knowledge and Liberation: Philosophical Ruminations on a Buddhist Conundrum | Semantic Scholar

Nirvana and other Buddhist felicities

Preface and Acknowledgements List of abbreviations Textual chronology General introduction: Buddhism and civilisation history I - structures and processes: Part I. Nirvana In and Out of Time:

The Nature Of Buddhist Ethics

In this book the author considers data from both early and later schools of Buddhism in an attempt to provide an overall characterization of the structure of Buddhist ethics. The importance of ethics

A Short History of Ethics.

Preface, 1. The Philosophical Point of the History of Ethics, 2. The Prephilosophical History of "Good" and the Transition to Philosophy, 3. The Sophists and Socrates, 4. Plato: The Gorgias, 5.

An introduction to Buddhist psychology

This book discusses Buddhist Psychology and the West: An Encounter between Theraputic Systems and Buddhist Contextualism, and discusses motivation and emotions, as well as health and Sickness in Buddhist Perspective.