Overrepresentation of Minority Students | Semantic Scholar
@article{Macmillan1998OverrepresentationOM, title={Overrepresentation of Minority Students}, author={Donald L. Macmillan and Daniel J. Reschly}, journal={The Journal of Special Education}, year={1998}, volume={32}, pages={15 - 24}, url={https://api.semanticscholar.org/CorpusID:146209685} }
The topic of overrepresentation certainly commands attention in the literature on “judgmental categories” of disability (e.g., ‘learning disabilities, mild mental retardation), yet the evidence reported to date bearing on the issue are less than precise. Clearly, the issue is broader than simple overrepresentation, given that far more egregious examples of overrepresentation in Head Start and Chapter I have yet to be criticized, let alone taken to court. In this article the authors distinguish…