The axial age: the emergence of transcendental visions and the rise of clerics | Semantic Scholar

The Civilizational Dimension of Modernity

The view of modernity as a distinct civilization implies that modernity has to be seen as a new type of civilization - not unlike the formation and expansion of the Great Religions. According to this

Religion and the rise of capitalism

Max Weber's Problemattk still retains its power: why did only Christian Europe amongst the world civilisations autonomously create an economic dynamism, broadly capitalist in character? This essay

Intellectuals and tradition

This issue brings together two themes in sociological and historical analysis that have often been conceived as being antithetical: "intellectuals" and "tra dition." The concern with intellectuals is

Order and history

Traite en 5 volumes sur la philosophie de l'histoire. - Les 3 premiers volumes (Israel and revelation, The world of the Polis, Plato and Aristoteles) sont parus entre 1956 et 1957, le quatrieme (The

Vom Ursprung und Ziel der Geschichte

Jaspers hat im vorliegenden Werk die epochenma­ chende universalgeschichtliche These einer Achsen­ zeit in der Weltgeschichte entwickelt. Die These besagt, dass im Zeitraum von 800 bis 200 v. Chr.

De la division du travail social

quelques remarques sur les groupements professionnels : en reeditant cet ouvrage, nous nous sommes interdit d' en modifier l' economie premiere. Un livre a une individualite qu' il doit garder. Il