Childe, Marxism, and Knowledge | Semantic Scholar
- 2014
History, Political Science
The 1948 political situation radically changed the former Czechoslovakia. For decades the Communist regime has been influencing political, social and ideological progress. The new ideology was…
Marx, Sherlock Holmes, and Late Italian Prehistory
- 2017
An important part of the Italian late prehistoric studies has been inspired by Marxist ideas. The works of the proto-historical archaeologists Salvatore Maria Puglisi (1912–1985) and Renato Peroni…
Childe and Soviet archaeology
- B. Trigger
- 1984
Gordon Childe was known to his contemporaries as a brilliant prehistorian who held radical left-wing views. While his voicing of Marxist sentiments, together with other unconventional behaviour…
Prehistory and Marxism
- V. Childe
- 1979
History, Philosophy
In volume III of ‘The Cambridge Journal’ (1949, 131–47) the present Editor of ‘Antiquity’ wrote an article entitled ‘A defence of prehistory’ in which he referred to ‘the environmentalist school of…
The Prehistory of Scotland
- V. Childe
- 1935
SINCE Prof. Gordon Childe went to Edinburgh, he has made himself master of the ascertained facts regarding Scottish prehistory, and has brought a mind saturated with comparative data to a synthesis…
What Happened in History
- M. Burkitt
- 1943
PROF. V. GORDON CHILDE is one of the foremost prehistorians. He has travelled widely and done much work of great importance to the specialist ; he has, as it were, personally added many bricks to the…