[PDF] Achieving Equity in Special Education: History, Status, and Current Challenges | Semantic Scholar

  title={Achieving Equity in Special Education: History, Status, and Current Challenges},
  author={Russell J. Skiba and Ada B. Simmons and Shana Ritter and Ashley C. Gibb and M. Karega Rausch and Jason Cuadrado and Choong-Geun Chung},
  journal={Exceptional Children},
  pages={264 - 288},

Among the most-longstanding and intransigent issues in the field, the disproportionate representation of minority students in special education programs has its roots in a long history of educational segregation and discrimination. Although national estimates of disproportionality have been consistent over time, state and local estimates may show varying patterns of disproportionality. A number of factors may contribute to disproportionality, including test bias, poverty, special education…