The Radical and Reactionary Politics of Malawi’s Hastings Banda: Roots, Fruit and Legacy | Semantic Scholar

  title={The Radical and Reactionary Politics of Malawi’s Hastings Banda: Roots, Fruit and Legacy},
  author={Clive Gabay},
  journal={Journal of Southern African Studies},
  pages={1119 - 1135},

This article reconsiders the political thought and practice of Hastings Banda, prime minister and then president of Malawi from 1963 to 1994. Often side-lined and maligned in considerations of post-colonial African leaders for being an authoritarian comprador in service to western interests, the article suggests that Banda’s life and practice illustrates a complex interplay between two types of conservatism: a more radical anti-colonial conservatism, and a more reactionary post-colonial…