Running the Gauntlet: British Trade Unions under Thatcher, 1979–1988 | Semantic Scholar
The future of trade unionism-an Australian perspective
- 1992
Political Science, Sociology
During the last decade or so trade union membership in most OECD countries has declined. In focusing on Australia but considering other countries as well, this article develops a framework of…
- D. Metcalf
- 1991
Political Science
Two-employees-in-five belong to a union in Great Britain. This is a higher density figure than those of our main EC partners, but it masks the longest sustained period of membership loss ever…
Trade (Labor) Unions
- James Cooper
- 2012
Economics, Political Science
If monetary policy was designed to change the conditions of the British and American economies, and the purpose of taxation reform was to introduce incentives and empower enterprise, then the role of…
The Trade Union Crisis of 1976–1979
- Christopher Kirkland
- 2017
History, Political Science
Drawing upon the social contract and the Winter of Discontent as case studies, this chapter demonstrates how the media reporting of events, along with narratives of over powerful trade unions from…
The Changing Structure of the UK Economy
- G. Ray
- 1986
The structural pattern of the economy is changing all the time. It has changed considerably in the past ten years (table 1), partly because of the emergence of oil production, but partly also because…
Trade Unions in Britain
- E. Gard
- 1989
History, Political Science
An introduction to the trade union movement in Britain, this book traces the history and development of unions, their political struggles and some of their more colourful personalities. This edition…
Mergers in British trade unions 1949–79
- R. T. Buchanan
- 1981
History, Business
Robert Buchanan examines the numbers, membership and main characteristics of the unions involved in mergers between 1949 and 1979, considers the main reasons for this trend in mergers, and compares…