The Formation of the Lithuanian Foreign Office, 1918-1921 | Semantic Scholar

  title={The Formation of the Lithuanian Foreign Office, 1918-1921},
  author={Alfred Erich Senn},
  journal={Slavic Review},
  pages={500 - 507},

Of the many problems facing the men who sought to create new national states in the aftermath of World War I, the necessity of fashioning a foreign service stood in the forefront. The makers of Lithuania faced especial difficulties in this regard because of the peculiar circumstances in which they found themselves. In 1918 the country had already been under German occupation for three years, the nation was unknown to many statesmen, the Lithuanian intelligentsia was scattered, and the financial… 

2 Citations

Index of Authors


  • 1965

AALTO, Pentti. H4, K107, S43 ABERNATHY, Robert. "Jabtonna Conference on Poetics" (1962:1:189). ADAMIC, Louis. "Yugoslavia and the Big United Nations: 1941-1943" (1944:58:1). ADAMS, Arthur E. "The

2 References