Prabodhānanda, Hita Harivaṃśa and the Rādhārasasudhānidhi | Semantic Scholar

  title={Prabodhānanda, Hita Harivaṃśa and the Rādhārasasudhānidhi},
  author={J. K. Brzezinski},
  journal={Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies},
  pages={472 - 497},

In an earlier article (‘Prabodhānanda Sarasvatī: from Benares to Braj’, BSOAS, LV, 1, 1992) an attempt was made to establish an authoritative biography of Prabodhānanda Sarasvatī, the author of a number of devotional poems and commentaries in Sanskrit. It was shown there that the sannyāsin Prabodhānanda's life can be divided into three parts: the first, about which we know little, in which he was a Śankaraite monk living in Benares; a second, in which he came under the influence of Caitanya and…