[PDF] What makes flank eruptions? The 2001 Etna eruption and its possible triggering mechanisms | Semantic Scholar

  title={What makes flank eruptions? The 2001 Etna eruption and its possible triggering mechanisms},
  author={Valerio Acocella and Marco Neri},
  journal={Bulletin of Volcanology},

Most flank eruptions within a central stratovolcano are triggered by lateral draining of magma from its central conduit, and only few eruptions appear to be independent of the central conduit. In order to better highlight the dynamics of flank eruptions in a central stratovolcano, we review the eruptive history of Etna over the last 100 years. In particular, we take into consideration the Mount Etna eruption in 2001, which showed both summit activity and a flank eruption interpreted to be…