[PDF] Chemical Composition of Two H II Regions in NGC 6822 Based on VLT Spectroscopy | Semantic Scholar

  title={Chemical Composition of Two H II Regions in NGC 6822 Based on VLT Spectroscopy},
  author={Antonio Peimbert and M. Peimbert and Maria T. Ruiz},
  journal={The Astrophysical Journal},
  pages={1056 - 1066},

We present long-slit spectrophotometry of regions V and X of the Local Group irregular galaxy NGC 6822. The data consist of VLT FORS observations in the 3450-7500 Å range. We have obtained electron temperatures and densities using different line intensity ratios. We have derived the He, C, and O abundances relative to H based on recombination lines; the abundance ratios among these elements are almost independent of the temperature structure of the nebulae. We have also determined the N, O, Ne…