[PDF] A golden age of gelata: past and future research on planktonic ctenophores and cnidarians | Semantic Scholar
What Are Jellyfishes and Thaliaceans and Why Do They Bloom
- 2014
Environmental Science, Biology
The evolutionary relationships among gelatinous zooplankton are summarized, biological factors that likely contribute to blooms are emphasized, and a population genetic framework for investigating the ecological causes of boom and bust population dynamics in the plankton is outlined.
Rotifers, the jelly plankton of freshwater
- H. Dumont
- 2007
Biology, Environmental Science
Under these conditions, jelly plankton in freshwater is represented by 20–40 species of cnidarians, by a few rhabdocoelid flatworms, and by up to 200 rotifer species (600+ if the periphytic and benthic species are included, and almost 1,500 species if males are included).