Electrolytic lesions of the ventral subiculum weakly alter spatial memory but potentiate amphetamine-induced locomotion | Semantic Scholar

  title={Electrolytic lesions of the ventral subiculum weakly alter spatial memory but potentiate amphetamine-induced locomotion},
  author={C{\'e}line Riegert and Rodrigue Galani and Sarah Heilig and Christine Lazarus and Brigitte Cosquer and Jean C. Cassel},
  journal={Behavioural Brain Research},

19 Citations

Reinforcing Effect of Optogenetic Stimulation of Dorsal Subiculum

It is demonstrated that mice placed in custom built operant nose poke chambers will nose poke for optogenetic stimulation of the dSUB and this reinforcing effect was significantly greater than baseline nose poking rates or poking for a light cue and was dependent on the frequency of stimulation, with increased frequency correlating with increased self-stimulation rates.

52 References