[PDF] A Theory of Social Comparison Processes | Semantic Scholar

  title={A Theory of Social Comparison Processes},
  author={Leon Festinger},
  journal={Human Relations},
  pages={117 - 140},

Hypothesis I: There exists, in the human organism, a drive to evaluate his opinions and his abilities. While opinions and abilities may, at first glance, seem to be quite different things, there is a close functional tie between them. They act together in the manner in which they affect behavior. A person’s cognition (his opinions and beliefs) about the situation in which he exists and his appraisals of what he is capable of doing (his evaluation of his abilities) will together have bearing on… 

18,626 Citations

Among the Better Ones

Since the first empirical tests of Festinger’s (1954) social comparison theory, theorists have been concerned with the “direction” of comparisons: whether people compare with persons superior or

30 References