[PDF] On the Asymptotic Density of Prime k-tuples and a Conjecture of Hardy and Littlewood | Semantic Scholar
DOI:10.12921/cmst.2019.0000033 - Corpus ID: 203836016
@article{Toth2019OnTA, title={On the Asymptotic Density of Prime k-tuples and a Conjecture of Hardy and Littlewood}, author={L'aszl'o M'arton T'oth}, journal={Computational Methods in Science and Technology}, year={2019}, url={https://api.semanticscholar.org/CorpusID:203836016} }
- L. T'oth
- Published in Computational Methods in… 7 October 2019
- Mathematics
"Skewes numbers" are found for 8 more prime k-tuples and provided numerical data in support of the Hardy-Littlewood conjecture and several algorithms to compute such numbers are presented.