Jellyfish as food | Semantic Scholar
Indonesian jellyfish as potential for raw materials of food and drug
- 2018
Agricultural and Food Sciences, Medicine
Observation showed that the appearance of jellyfish in Indonesian waters varies based on the fertility of the waters affected by oceanographic conditions, which means jellyfish is a nutritious food source to be developed into food supplements, nutricosmetics and functional foods.
Jellyfish fisheries in southeast Asia
A few large jellyfish species in the order Rhizostomeae constitute an important food in Chinese cooking. For more than 1700 years, they have been exploited along the coasts of China. Such jellyfish…
Zooplankton fisheries of the world: A review
- M. Omori
- 1978
Environmental Science, Biology
About 20 species of zooplankters (copepods, mysids, euphausiids, sergestids, and Scyphomedusae) are commercially fished and utilised as food or feed today and accounts for 11% of the total crustacean catch in the world.