Evaluation of potential sources of sauger Sander canadensis for reintroduction into Lake Erie | Semantic Scholar
Competition Potential between Saugers and Walleyes in Nonnative Sympatry
- B. BellgraphC. S. GuyW. GardnerS. A. Leathe
- 2008
Environmental Science, Biology
Comparison of seasonal migrations, habitat use, and diets of saugers and walleyes in the middle Missouri River of Montana suggests that the competition potential between these species is high.
Reproduction and Early Life History of Sauger, Stizostedion canadense, in Lewis and Clark Lake
- W. Nelson
- 1968
Environmental Science, Biology
Sauger reproduction and early life history have been studied to determine factors affecting year-class strength in Lewis and Clark Lake, a 28,000-acre reservoir on the South Dakota-Nebraska border, and adult year- class strength was inversely related to water level fluctuations over the spawning grounds.
Assessing the Feasibility of Native Fish Reintroductions: A Framework Applied to Threatened Bull Trout
- J. DunhamK. GalloDan ShivelyChris S. AllenB. Goehring
- 2011
Environmental Science, Biology
A framework developed to assess the feasibility of one type of translocation—reintroduction was applied to the potential reintroduction of threatened bull trout Salvelinus confluentus into the Clackamas River, Oregon.
Genetic Assessment of Lake Sturgeon Population Structure in the Laurentian Great Lakes
- A. WelshT. HillHenry R. QuinlanC. RobinsonB. May
- 2008
Environmental Science
Lake sturgeon from 27 spawning locations were analyzed using 12 microsatellite loci and consistent genetic breaks were observed among three clusters of spawning populations: Hudson Bay–northern Lake Superior, (2) southernLake Superior, and (3) the rest of the Great Lakes.
Changes in Percid Populations and Species Interactions in Lake Erie
- S. Nepszy
- 1977
Environmental Science
Improved regulation of exploitation and present efforts by United States and Canadian government agencies to improve Great Lakes water quality, are expected to improve the success for long-term maintenance of percids in Lake Erie.
Characteristics and Spatial Segregation of Sympatric Saugers and Walleyes in the Ottawa River, Canada
- T. Haxton
- 2015
Environmental Science
AbstractFew comparative studies exist on the sympatric populations of Saugers Sander canadensis and Walleyes S. vitreus, especially in northern rivers. Depth-stratified, standardized index netting…
Loss of genetic integrity in wild lake trout populations following stocking: insights from an exhaustive study of 72 lakes from Québec, Canada
- É. ValiquetteC. PerrierI. ThibaultL. Bernatchez
- 2014
Biology, Environmental Science
Results showed an increase in genetic diversity and a twofold decrease in the extent of genetic differentiation among stocked populations when compared to unstocked, and suggest that under certain scenarios, the genetic impacts of stocking could be of short duration.
Determination of relative survival of two stocked walleye populations and resident natural-origin fish by microsatellite DNA parentage assignment
- W. EldridgeMarc BacigalupiI. AdelmanL. MillerA. Kapuscinski
- 2002
Biology, Environmental Science
Walleye (Stizostedion vitreum) from two northern Minnesota spawning stations simultaneously stocked as fry into five southern Minnesota lakes had different survival rates, and natural-origin walleye that descended from previous stockings significantly increased in percent of all sampled walleyes over the study.
The Status of Nebraska Fishes in the Missouri River. 6. Sauger (Percidae: Stizostedion canadense )
- Larry W. Hease
- 1994
Biology, Environmental Science
Recovery of native sauger stocks will require a complete cessation of harvest, recovery of the natural hydrograph, recovered of sediment transport, recoveryof snags and organic matter dynamics, and re·connection of cut·off side channel morphology.
Movement of Saugers in the Lower Tennessee River Determined by Radio Telemetry, and Implications for Management
- M. PeggP. W. BettoliJ. Layzer
- 1997
Environmental Science
Abstract Since 1979, abundances of sauger Stizostedion canadense have declined in the Tennessee River system. Reasons for this decline may include overharvest, loss of spawning habitat, and low…