[PDF] On Ignoring the Random Effects Assumption in Multilevel Models: Review, Critique, and Recommendations | Semantic Scholar
@article{Antonakis2019OnIT, title={On Ignoring the Random Effects Assumption in Multilevel Models: Review, Critique, and Recommendations}, author={John Antonakis and Nicolas Bastardoz and Mikko R{\"o}nkk{\"o}}, journal={Organizational Research Methods}, year={2019}, volume={24}, pages={443 - 483}, url={https://api.semanticscholar.org/CorpusID:210355362} }
This work reviews 204 randomly drawn articles from macro and micro organizational science and applied psychology journals, finding that only 106 articles properly deal with the random effects assumption, and offers a set of practical recommendations for researchers to model multilevel data appropriately.