Cryptic speciation in Herbertus (Herbertaceae, Jungermanniopsida): Range and morphology of Herbertus sendtneri inferred from nrITS sequences | Semantic Scholar

Molecular, Morphological, and Phytochemical Evidence for a Broad Species Concept of Plagiochila bifaria (Hepaticae)

Comparisons of nrDNA ITS1 and ITS2 sequences of P. bifaria populations encompassing several different morpho- and chemotypes from the British Isles, Tenerife, Costa Rica, Brazil, Ecuador, and Bolivia, with sequences of other species show support for a broad morphological species concept, and shows that the different chemotypes do not warrant distinct taxonomic ranks.

Disjunct Hepaticae in tropical America and Africa

It is postulated that macrodisjunct Afro-American species ranges in most cases should have arisen from successful transoceanic long-range dispersal whereas generic disjunction and species vicariance might be the result of ancient land connections following the dissection of western Gondwanaland.