The Making of a Monarchical Republic: The Undoing of Presidential Term Limits in Gabon Under Omar Bongo | Semantic Scholar

  title={The Making of a Monarchical Republic: The Undoing of Presidential Term Limits in Gabon Under Omar Bongo},
  author={Daniel M. Mengara},

This paper offers an overview of the intricacies and complexities of the fifty-three-year-old reign of the Bongo regime in Gabon. It chronicles not only the opaque circumstances that brought Omar Bongo to power in 1967 but also the trajectory that enabled him to sustain his despotic rule over Gabon for almost 42 years and in a way that paved the way to the quasi dynastic succession that allowed his son to easily succeed him upon his death in 2009. Not only was Omar Bongo the longest-serving… 

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