[PDF] Colony composition and specialized predation on millipedes in the enigmatic ponerine ant genus Probolomyrmex (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) | Semantic Scholar
@article{Ito1998ColonyCA, title={Colony composition and specialized predation on millipedes in the enigmatic ponerine ant genus Probolomyrmex (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)}, author={Fuminori Ito}, journal={Insectes Sociaux}, year={1998}, volume={45}, pages={79-83}, url={https://api.semanticscholar.org/CorpusID:22119946} }
Colonies of Probolomyrmex dammermani Wheeler were collected in West Java, Indonesia and laboratory experiments showed that the ants fed only on polyxenids.
31 Citations
Colony composition, arthropod egg predation, and antennal structure of the ant Discothyrea sauteri (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
- K. Masuko
- 2020
Biology, Environmental Science
The cryptic ant, Discothyrea sauteri, which nests in small cavities in the soil, was collected from a single locality in Kanagawa Prefecture, in central Japan, permitting us to obtain detailed information on colony population, social structure, and colony founding, based on field data and laboratory rearing.
15 References
Queen number and sociality in insects
- L. Keller
- 1993
Biology, Environmental Science
A comparison of termites and ants shows the effects of polygny and colony life history on optimal sex investment, as well as the maintenance of high genetic relatedness in multi-queen colonies of social wasps.