An Empirical Revision of the Definition of Science Fiction: It Is All in the Techne . . . | Semantic Scholar
@article{Menadue2019AnER, title={An Empirical Revision of the Definition of Science Fiction: It Is All in the Techne . . .}, author={Christopher Benjamin Menadue and Kristi Giselsson and David Guez}, journal={SAGE Open}, year={2019}, volume={10}, url={} }
Researchers employ science fiction and fantasy in public engagement, advocacy, and education as significant sources of insights to identify public interests, inspire public policy, and influence future science. These uses of science fiction as a source that is expected to reflect public interests are undermined if the examples employed by researchers are interpreted differently by the intended audience or beneficiaries of research. We surveyed the public to identify their definitions and…
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9 Citations
The Birth of a Science
- M. Nasution
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Physics, Mathematics
Physics, biology, chemistry, for example, do not already only study programs in many universities but are at the forefront of the development of science, and that is science itself. The development…
90 References
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- Carl Freedman
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Carl Freedman traces the fundamental and mostly unexamined relationships between the discourses of science fiction and critical theory, arguing that science fiction is (or ought to be) a privileged…
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