Protein Reconstitution Inside Giant Unilamellar Vesicles. | Semantic Scholar

Exploring Giant Unilamellar Vesicle Production for Artificial Cells — Current Challenges and Future Directions

The state of the art in different GUV production methods and their compatibility with GUV requirements and operational requirements such as reproducibility and ease of use are discussed and potential avenues for future research are proposed.

Reconstitution of contractile actomyosin rings in vesicles

In vitro assembly of different types of actin networks and the condensation of membrane-bound actin into single rings are observed and membrane binding is found to be crucial for the robust condensation into a single actin ring in spherical vesicles, as predicted by theoretical considerations.

DisGUVery: A Versatile Open-Source Software for High-Throughput Image Analysis of Giant Unilamellar Vesicles

DisGUVery is presented, an open-source, versatile software that encapsulates multiple algorithms for automated detection and analysis ofGUVs in microscopy images and provides an accessible tool to enable high-throughput automated analysis of GUVs, and thereby to promote quantitative data analysis in GUV research.

Invagination of Giant Unilamellar Vesicles upon Membrane Mixing with Native Vesicles

It is shown that positively charged lipids of the GUVs are essential for the docking, and the native membrane components of MVs drive the fusion, resulting in the transfer of native lipids and proteins to the GUVs.

Biophysical Characterization of Membrane Proteins Embedded in Nanodiscs Using Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy

A focused review of studies that employed FCS in combination with nanodisc technology to investigate a handful of membrane proteins, including bacteriorhodopsin, bacterial division protein ZipA, bacterial membrane insertases SecYEG and YidC, Yersinia pestis type III secretion protein YopB, yeast cell wall stress sensor Wsc1, and several G protein-coupled receptors.

Polymer-assisted assembly of giant vesicles in physiological solutions

Obtaining high yields of giant unilamellar vesicles (GUVs) in solutions of physiological ionic strengths is one of the major challenges in the use of GUVs in cell-mimicking applications. This is

Synthetic Cell as a Platform for Understanding Membrane-Membrane Interactions

The challenges and opportunities associated with studying membrane–membrane interactions and possible future research directions are highlighted by highlighting the importance and challenges of intercellular communication between synthetic cells and synthetic cells-to-natural cells.

A Microfluidic Platform for Sequential Assembly and Separation of Synthetic Cell Models

Giant vesicles can be separated from various residues with a very high efficiency, based on size and deformability of the filtered objects, and an integrated production-purification microfluidic unit is established that sequentially produces, manipulates, and purifies GUVs.

Self-organized spatial targeting of contractile actomyosin rings for synthetic cell division

The combined in vitro reconstitution of actomyosin rings and the bacterial MinDE protein system, effective in targeting E.coli Z-rings to mid-cell, within GUVs, yields self-organized assembly of actomyosin rings at the equatorial plane of vesicles.