The Lost Doctrine: Suggestion Theory in Early Media Effects Research | Semantic Scholar
@article{Parsons2021TheLD, title={The Lost Doctrine: Suggestion Theory in Early Media Effects Research}, author={Patrick R. Parsons}, journal={Journalism \& Mass Communication Monographs}, year={2021}, volume={23}, pages={80 - 138}, url={} }
This monograph examines the history of the “suggestion doctrine,” a theory of communicative influence that arose in social psychology at the turn of the 20th century and was applied to the study of media effects before World War II. During that period, suggestion theory was one of the foremost psychological explanations of opinion change and a dominant theory of media influence. Despite its long prominence in early social science and media studies, the doctrine has been largely ignored in…
3 Citations
210 References
Studies in the Theory of Human Society
- F. H. Giddings
- 1922
PROF. GIDDINGS points out that in science this century has been a time of rectification rather than of great discoveries. This applies particularly to the fundamental conceptions of sociology. These…