[PDF] Demographic and geographic patterns of cetacean-based food product consumption and potential mercury exposure within a Caribbean whaling community | Semantic Scholar

  title={Demographic and geographic patterns of cetacean-based food product consumption and potential mercury exposure within a Caribbean whaling community},
  author={Russell Fielding and Jeremy J. Kiszka and Catherine C. Macdonald and Meaghan A. McCormack and Jessica M. Dutton and Alison DeGraff Ollivierre and James A. Arnett and Molly Elkins and Niko A. Darby and Hannah-Marie Garcia and Suzanne Skinner and Haley Tucker and Vincent S. Reid},
  journal={Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal},
  pages={1671 - 1695},

Abstract Exposure to mercury (Hg), especially methylmercury (MeHg), through the consumption of seafood is a major public health concern. St. Vincent & the Grenadines (Eastern Caribbean) supports two related whaling operations, which produce food from cetaceans for human consumption. Recent data suggest that Hg concentrations in cetacean tissue samples exceed recommended consumption limits. Our objective was to determine the role of cetacean-based food products in the diet of the Vincentian… 

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