Reputation and adverse selection: theory and evidence from eBay | Semantic Scholar
Lock‐In Effects in Online Labor Markets
- 2024
Economics, Computer Science
Journal of Economics & Management Strategy
The model predicts that reputation portability lowers switching costs, eliminating the possibility for platforms to capitalize on lock‐in effects, and finds that reputation portability has a positive impact on worker mobility and the wages of highly rated workers.
The rise of empirical online platform research in the new millennium
- H. ChengD. Daniel SokolXinyu Zang
- 2023
Computer Science, Business
Journal of Economics & Management Strategy
This article presents a categorization framework based on the online platform type (including search platforms, e‐commerce platforms, online communities, and mobile platforms) and research perspective (including platform participants, platform orchestrators, and platform ecosystems) and provides a critical review of noteworthy trends.