Signalling security: An observational and game theory approach to inter-pedestrian psychology | Semantic Scholar
It’s also about timing! When do pedestrians want to receive navigation instructions
- Antonia GolabMarkus KattenbeckGeorgios SarlasI. Giannopoulos
- 2022
Spatial Cogn. Comput.
ABSTRACT Despite the increased research interest in wayfinding assistance systems, research on the appropriate point in time or space to automatically present a route instruction remains a…
Modeling the influence of mobile phone use distraction on pedestrian reaction times to green signals: A multilevel mixed-effects parametric survival model
- Yan LiuRushdi AlsalehT. Sayed
- 2021
Environmental Science, Engineering
Assessing crossing and communication behavior of pedestrians at urban streets
- M. LanzerMiriam GieselmannKristin MühlM. Baumann
- 2021
Evaluating pedestrian interaction preferences with a game theoretic autonomous vehicle in virtual reality
- F. CamaraP. DickinsonCharles W. Fox
- 2021
Psychology, Computer Science
Estimating density limits for walking pedestrians keeping a safe interpersonal distancing
- I. Echeverría-HuarteA. GarcimartínR. HidalgoC. Martín-GómezI. Zuriguel
- 2021
Engineering, Environmental Science
With people trying to keep a safe distance from others due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the way in which pedestrians walk has completely changed since the pandemic broke out1,2. In this work, laboratory…
Linking nighttime outdoor lighting attributes to pedestrians' feeling of safety: An interactive survey approach
- B. PortnovRami SaadTamar TropD. KligerAlina Svechkina
- 2020
Environmental Science, Engineering
Higher levels of illumination and uniformity positively affect FoS, while lights perceived as warm tend to generate higher FoS than Lights perceived as cold, which may guide future illumination polices aimed at promoting energy efficiency while ensuring urban sustainability.
Improving the Pedestrian’s Perceptions of Safety on Street Crossings. Psychological and Neurophysiological Effects of Traffic Lanes, Artificial Lighting, and Vegetation
- C. LlinaresJ. L. Higuera-TrujilloA. MontañanaNuria Castilla
- 2020
Psychology, Environmental Science
Analysis of how pedestrians are affected by number of traffic lanes, lighting colour temperature, and nearby vegetation as they cross roads shows that combined effects produce different results to those obtained from the analysis of individual elements.
The Behavioral Response to Increased Pedestrian and Staying Activity in Public Space: A Field Experiment
- Oscar ZapataJ. Honey-Rosés
- 2020
William Whyte originally hypothesized that the presence of people in a public space would attract more people. Contemporary planners now refer to “sticky streets” as places where pedestrians are…
The Effects of Multiple Factors on Elderly Pedestrians’ Speed Perception and Stopping Distance Estimation of Approaching Vehicles
- Jiaming ShiChangxu WuXiuying Qian
- 2020
Environmental Science, Medicine
Compared with young adults, older pedestrians were found to have smaller accurate estimation intervals that varied by multidimensional influencing factors and thus resulted in missing road-Crossing opportunities at lower vehicles’ speeds and increasing road-crossing dangers at higher speeds.
Effect of birdsongs and traffic noise on pedestrian walking speed during different seasons
- M. FraněkL. RežnýDenis SefaraJiří Cabal
- 2019
Environmental Science
The results did not show significant differences between the crowded city noise condition and the real outdoor condition, and the congruence between acoustic and visual stimuli, and raise questions regarding the restorative function of urban greenery during different seasons.